This process aims at controlling the temperature within a room. That is, by maintaining a cool roof temperature, the ice dams do not form. The accumulated moisture can also escape via the attic. During hot weather, the hot air can also escape through the attic. This reduces the temperature of the room.
In the long run, this will reduce the amount of work that the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems have to perform. This is one way of saving energy costs considering HVAC consume a lot of energy.

The type of the ventilation systems are determined by the building codes within a particular geographical location. They are designed to allow free movement of air. Some of the most common types of ventilation systems include:
The box vents; these roofing ventilation systems are popular for their static nature. They are used to cover holes cut out on the roof. These systems can be constructed from different materials. They are also referred to as louvers or flat vents.
The wind turbines; they use wind to power their movement of the moving parts. These ventilation systems can more air than the box vents.
The power vents; this equipment is more efficient than the wind turbines. This is because a proper ventilation can be achieved regardless of the weather condition. Since they depend on motors, the cost of running these vents is slightly high.

The modern ventilation systems have incorporated quite a number of fans and blowers. This has also proved to be more efficient. Achieving the required ventilation standards can be a challenging process. It’s advisable to hire a qualified contractor to go about this process.