What Are The Features of Double Inlet Centrifugal Fans
Blowers, are greatly used in a number of industries for various applications. They are simply devices driven by belts so as to move air in a given direction. The simplest type of industrial blowers are those used in the car engine power, when they pump air into your vehicle’s combustion chamber. A high engine out-put is always achieved as a result of the air being forced into the engine’s intake manifold at a very high pressure. This in turn allows more fuel to be burnt, and the result is a higher engine power output.

The industrial belt driven blowers are responsible for both cooling and ventilation in a number of manufacturing processes. They depend on the fact that, whenever air heats up, it becomes less dense and moves up. This makes it vital to specify the exact location where both the blowers and fans should be installed.
The history of blowers dates back to back from centuries ago. Nonetheless, they have increasingly been applied in various places. For instance, muscle cars and various sport cars which continue to benefit from the invention. In addition, this invention has also found its way in the aviation industry, as it is used in some jet engines. Its far and wide application is due to the fact that it has many advantages when used there. Some of the advantages are as stated below.
There is immediate power transmission and cooling effect
Another advantage of using the belt driven blower is that it does not suffer lag. This means that unlike turbochargers, the velocity of the exhaust gases used to drive the turbines is reached immediately. Since the superchargers are driven directly by the crankshaft, you will expect a delay.
Cheap to install and maintain
When using these belt driven blowers, you stand a chance to save more, than when using a turbocharger. This is because they can easily be bolted on the side of the engine or better still at the top of your engine. However, this is not so with the turbochargers, because you will be required to do more adjustment on the exhaust system.
Efficient at different RPM
When using these belt driven blowers, you stand a chance to save more, than when using a turbocharger. This is because they can easily be bolted on the side of the engine or better still at the top of your engine. However, this is not so with the turbochargers, because you will be required to do more adjustment on the exhaust system.