Sizes (Wheel Diameters)
7.08 to 39.37(180 mm to 1,000 mm)
Air Flow to 58,823 CFM (100,000m3/hour)
Total Pressure to 4.8 inches w.g. (2500 Pa)
Double inlet double width (DIDW) centrifugal fans.
Backward inclined blades impeller(Wheels).
Motor inside,Belt drive transmission.
In-Line belt drive cabinet fans are manufactured in galvanized sheet steel.
Incorporated with a belt driven, high efficiency, low noise level,
Complete with inlet & outlet flange as standard.
Access door fitted as standard. Removable access door for easy accessibility to motor and fan
Motor should be selected to handle air at ambient temperature based on specified air volume & pressure
Tested in accordance to standard JB/T10563-2006 and GA211-2009.