There are a number of factors, which determine the efficiency of the fan: the movement of air, the speed and the amount of power it consumes. On the other hand, the capacity of a fan is determined by the shape, blade size and number.
Like the name suggests, these fans are distinguished by the fact that they rotate quickly. A good example is the centrifugal fan. The high velocity makes the fan to achieve higher capacity and efficiency. However, when the blade has been designed poorly, then this can lead to low capacity.
In most cases, people try to increase the speed of the fan with an intention of increasing the fan’s efficiency. This is a wrong procedure. Increasing the speed will only result in high energy consumption. That is, when you double the speed of the fan, then the energy consumption will increase four times. This can also cause the motor to heat up hence, there could be a catastrophic failure.
It is only those fans with a good blade design, which will possess higher capacity. The fan will operate optimally at all speeds. Basically, the amount of air supply can be increased without necessarily increasing the energy costs. In fact, it is advisable to purchase the fans rated to be high capacity fans. As a matter of fact, a high-capacity fan, running moderate speed can still supply sufficient amount of air but at a lower speed.
This is a clear indication that whenever you’re shopping for a high-velocity fan; it is important to consider the capacity of the fan. This is the surest way to achieve the ventilation goals.